• In Kenya, one-third of a family's income is going to bribery
        The number of those who knew McDonald's golden belt, Christian, than those who confer the crown.
    Avon Brazil, the number of women, more than the number of soldiers
        Every day, one-seventh of the world population, ie 800 million people remain hungry.
        There are more than 150 torture in the country.
    One third of the world at war
    82 percent of smokers live in developing countries.
    An average of 84 years in a Japanese woman, a woman is only 39 years living in Botswana
    AIDS in Africa, 30 million people
    One-quarter of the armed conflict, to seize the natural resources occurring
    Class of 88 students in the United States every week brings a gun.
    10 languages ​​are dying each year.
    There are at least 300 thousand prisoners of conscience around the world.
    Suicide, the death toll in the conflict over the dead.
    Every year two million girls and women are circumcised.
    An ordinary English, the camera caught 300 times per day.
    300 thousand child soldiers are fighting in armed conflicts.
    26 million people in the UK in the 2001 elections, the first season of Pop Idol 32 million people voted.
    U.S. spends $ 10 billion a year to pornography.
    The United States, "rogue state," he declared seven countries is 33 times more military spending.
    There are 27 million slaves in the world.
    Taking time away 2.5 million plastic bottles Americans, ie every three weeks, long enough to reach the moon bottles piling up.
    Each year, 120 thousand women or young girls are sold to Western Europe
    The possibility of psychological problems in children live in poor families, three times more than children from wealthy families ...
    One kiwi fruit flown from New Zealand to England, the atmosphere emits greenhouse gases to 5 times its own weight.
    The U.S., the UN, more than $ 1 billion in debt.
    Russia over a thousand years, 12 women die as a result of domestic violence.
    British supermarkets, customers have more information about the government
    15-year-old British half of the drugs used, one-quarter of smoke.
    One-third of the world population is obese, live in developing countries
    The United States and the United Kingdom, the developed countries have the highest rate of early pregnancy.
    In China, 44 million women are missing.
    81 percent of executions in 2002, the United States, China, and Iran was
    The daily subsidy of $ 2:50 for each cow in the EU, Africa, more than 75 percent of the daily livelihood.
    Forbidden relationship between two people of the same sex more than 70 countries, 9 of the death penalty
    One-fifth of the world's population, live on less than 1 per dollar.
    1 year, 13.2 million Americans built cosmetic surgery
    People are dying and maimed by landmines remain an hour.
    There are 44 million child laborers in India.
    In industrialized countries, people, day, eating 6-7 kg of additive.
    The world's highest-paid athlete, golfer Tiger Woods, the $ 78 million per year, that makes $ 148 per second.
    American 7 million women and 1 million men in the stands eating disorder.
    67 thousand people in Washington lobbying industry, 125 people work for every elected member of Congress.
    Motor vehicles minutes, killing two people.
    Since 1977, abortion clinics in the United States took place 80 thousand cases of violence and abuse.
    $ 400 billion in illicit drug market in the world.
    One-third of Americans, believes that the aliens.
    American black men the possibility of jail, 33 percent of

        2040 oil reserves become exhausted.

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